Saturday, January 12, 2008

Menu Planning

In 2007 I used the Body Clutter Menu Mailer. A year's worth of recipes, all relatively healthy, planned for me week by week. It was a great plan and I came away with a bunch of great recipes. But it's been a year now, and I've been slacking on printing out the recipes each week, and I'm not really using it now. In fact, I've sort of slacked on meal planning in general. So I guess it's a new year and time for a new plan.

So for 2008, I'm stealing Dana's idea!! I'm even going to plan out breakfasts, snacks, and lunch. I think that will help me give Eliana a better variety of foods, as well as think about the balance of my own foods. Here's what I've got so far:

It'll be a 5 day flexible rotation, so if we want to do something else that night, no big deal. The lunches are for Ellie, not me. I'll have to figure out what I'm doing for lunch based on what we're having for dinner, what I had for breakfast, and how many calories I have left for lunch. But I will follow this basic plan for breakfast and dinner, at least.

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